30 Before 30

The ‘30 Before 30’ list is a challenge I’ve set myself of 900 (30 items done 30 times) activities to complete before I turn 30 in 2023. The list is long and ambitious, in the posts below you can follow along with what I’ve already achieved and see where you can lend a hand. Click on the images below the graphs for a more indepth breakdown.

Run 30km Consecutively

Running long distances has always been synonymous with fitness, dedication and endurance. As a teenager and in my yearly 20s I used to run 14km races like the City2Surf in Sydney and had been on fundraising teams that would train together (thinking about it now my friend Fabian Heaton is to blame for a lot of this). I want to go into my 30s with that same fitness and I’d never run more than 16km in one stretch before so 30km was an ambitious goal.

I decided on my birthday in 2022, to give my self the motivation to train for this challenge, I should sign up for a 42.2km Marathon. Surely in training for that I’d hit my 30km target on the way. The night of my birthday I signed up for the September 18th Blackmores Sydney Marathon and searched for marathon training plans, specifically ones that had apps that could track loaction data and progress. One of the first to pop up was the Nike Run Club App. After a cursory check of the guided content and overview of the training plan, I printed out the plan and pinned it up on my action boards so I could see it every day. Here is the record of my progression.


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